1 First
Step 10
2 Second
Step 9
3 Third
Step 8
4 Fourth
Step 7
03.00p.m. - June, 16
5 Fifth
Step 6
6 Sixth
Step 5
15.00p.m. - June, 23
7 Seventh
Step 4
The image tells us that in this
territory there exist four circumscribed spaces, each of which has its own
completeness and autonomy. Nevertheless they make up " a single space ".
This leads to think that in other sacred places in the world there exist
other spaces with high frequencies, hyperdimensional fields of Real Earth
also provided with Djed for the transfer, all considered though in any
case as belonging to " a single space ", the undivisible space of the
Original Substance. 11.00a.m. - June, 28
"Los celtas conocían el camino
al que denominaban "Camino de las Estrellas" o "Camino del Arco
Iris", que no terminaba en Compostela, sino que seguía hasta Finisterrae
(actual Finisterre ) que era donde se acababa el mundo conocido, donde la
tierra moría en el mar o donde existiía la ultima estrella de la vía
láctea." " The arrival at Compostela
implies the acquisition of the Star. But the philosophal subject is still
too impure to undergo maturation. Our mercury must raise progressively to
the supreme degree of required purity through a series of sublimitations
that need a special substance before being partially coagulated in live
sulphur.." (Fulcanelli)
12.00a.m. - July, 2
9 Ninth
Step 2
5.00p.m. - July, 4
10 Tenth
Step 1
12.00a.m. - July, 8
11 The
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for the Love of NUIT for the Will of HADIT IO PAN+BABALON Txurrumurru